Sunday, 13 April 2014

New map of Belfast protestant/catholic populations.

Well not really.. Its just a teaser for what will be. What is new is that what you are looking at are the outlines of new Belfast. All that I've read so far is that these new divsions will give a nationalist majority in the council  chambers. Time will tell.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Irish Cheeses

Here's a new years resolution: Eat all of these. I don't know if the colourings have any significance and I don't know if the fact that N Ireland and Dublin are both highlighted but have no chesse named means anything. List of cheeses named are : Beenoskoe, Milleeris, Desmond Gubbeen, Durrus, Coolea, Ardrahan, Baylough Cheddar, St Gall, Ardsallagh, Cashel Blue, Crozier Blue, Cooleeney, Lavistown, Knockdrinna Gold, St Tola Log, Mount Callan, Mossfield Organic, Grace, Glebe Brethan, Bellingham Blue, Corleggy. I have heard of only one of these before "cashel Blue". St Tola Log sounds like something i'll have to try! 

 Source Maps taken from the World Cheese Book, by Juliet Harbutt, published by DK Via

Irish student alcohol usage

A map by researchers from the University College Dublin shows how much the average Irish student drinks a year, by county. Students from counties shown in blue drink in excess of 351 units of alcohol a year. Students in Monagh, Donegal, Tiperrary and Carlow drink the least per year - between 200 and 250 units each. 

Snow fall rate in Republic of Ireland

Excellent essay on snowfall in Ireland over the centuries. Map above is for the last 50 years. If im reading the article right then, should NI have been included then they would have the highest level of snow. See article here.